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With more than 43 years of not-for-profit fund raising, grant making and management, I can help you with:
Conducting CEO/CDO searches
Serving as interim CEO
Board training and retreat facilitation
Coaching staffs on planned giving and endowment building
Serving as your outsourced planned giving officer
Proofreading/test marketing. Proofreading you say…how does that fit into your other skill sets?! Well, I’m really good at it. If you want eyes on your newsletter, annual report, case statement or other documents before they reach your constituents, I’ll edit for grammar, punctuation, typos and, most importantly, to see if they would move me to take action. You can’t find anyone more attentive than me.
After 25 years at the helm of DuPage Foundation, I learned a few things along the way. I am skilled in:
Organizational development (strategic planning)
Board development (recruitment, orientation, training)
Fund development (I am a fund raiser at my core.)
Mostly, I can help you focus on the things that matter most!
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